Thursday, March 8, 2012



    It is amazing to hear about all the things the Gebhard's are doing!   Our family is always up to "no good".  I loved to hear that there is finally snow for my older sister to make some smooth "moogal boot" tele-turns on!  I was proud to hear her tackle Snowbird on only her third day.  Now just two left to try teleskis......hmmmm.  Probably not my little sister anytime soon because she will be too busy going on dates and excelling in school, music, and academic team!  Mom will have to try tele next.  How is the snow in BC, that will be an exciting trip.  I confess, I had to rethink quickly if it was better to be here in the warm 80s.

    Brothers, you should buy Padre Nacho, a light teal suit with a red tie and some teal, laced, power high tops!  Good luck on your finals.  Don't have too much fun.

    I got a letter from Elder Chu.  He makes me laugh.  He is serving on UWashington campus for 5 transfers and he thinks he will stay there all his mission because he is the only missionary who speaks Chinese, and they have a Chinese program.  He contacts on the campus, and there are lots of Asians.  He has been blessed with many baptisms. 

    We saw a few people on Villano Beach.  Driving down the coastal highway, we saw views of the beautiful Atlantic Ocean.  There are some amazing beach houses.  We saw one that is underground and has trees on top of it.  We had our first heat this year.  It is perfect weather, but is starting to get a little hot.  We heard about the terrible tornadoes in the Midwest. 

      We were blessed to set two baptismal dates this week!   One boy, whom we started teach a few weeks ago, will be baptized this next Sunday.  He is so excited and so is his family.  It will bring the ward to 2 deacons.

     Another man is still set for his date of March 25th.  We have dinner and a (review) lesson every Tuesday.  He is the most prepared person I've met.  For him, it was just a matter of deciding to be baptized.

     We met a friend of a member.  We were introduced to him on Tuesday.  He just got off some drugs, and right now, only currently smokes.  He is maybe 21 and has had a hard life, bruised with deaths of close family.  We taught simply of the Plan of Salvation, taught him how to pray, and gave him a Book of Mormon.  We weren't sure how well he would be able to understand everything.  He has difficulty reading but diligently reads every day!  Even though he understands little, he feels the Spirit, and it is changing him.  One night, he was getting really angry and tried to call some people to calm him down, but they never answered, so he read in the the Book of Mormon, and it completely calmed him down.  In our lessons, we teach him the doctrine simply, and he is starting to retain it!  Yesterday, he commited to be baptized on March 25th and is serious about it.

     I am blessed to witness another lady's transformation.  Her husband is on fire and loving every minute of it.  He is seeing firsthand blessings from coming back to church.  Yesterday, his dad blessed their newborn, and on top of that, then this young father bore his testimony about how after attaining all the things in life he wanted, he still wasn't complete.  But since coming back to church, he feels complete.  His wife and son will be baptized in the near months, if not in March.

     Another member referred us to her neighbor 7 doors down.  We went and starting talking with a young woman.  During the conversation, she said, "Ok, I'll tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone.  I was a member of your church growing up."  She since has not been involved and is not interested in going to church.  She believes we are the "best" religion, but she doesn't like organized religion.  Anyway, she goes on, "I grew up in Colorado"

Me: "Really?" 

Girl: "Yeah, in Lakewood."

Me: (amazed expression).  Me too!

   She had moved from Lakewood ten years before we got there, but it was a wonderful connection!  It didn't change her religious desires, but I bore a simple testimony of the need to have organization and administration in the Church.

      Personally, I am so grateful for my companion.  He is purely focused on the work.  His endurance and drive astonishes me.  He is teaching me how to be an example, how to best help missionaries, and how to be a Zone Leader.  He is a wonderful "trainer."  It has been a wonderful blessing to fully obey the schedule.  Now we are in a routine that is unstoppable!  Exercise, eat, on time to studies--> SPIRIT.  We are working tremendously well together and are seeing many mighty miracles here in St. Augustine. 
I love you all so much!


Elder Gebhard

Sunday, February 26, 2012



My new address is:
1845 Old Moultrie Rd #43
St. Augustine, FL 32084

   I have been transferred to St. Augustine, FL.  It is beautiful and has many historic buildings.  We drove by the old Fort one time.  They have a Ripley's believe it or not, an alligator farm, and a beautiful Flagler college that looks a lot like a university in Spain, like Salamanca.  My first night here, we contacted for 30 minutes around the college and talked to some guys going to Trivia night....his forte was geography....we talked for a bit and connected, but not much beyond that.  Most of the street names here have something to do with Spanish.  I love it.  About half of the city just looks like a classic beach city, but the other half is historic and really neat.  The Bridge of Lyons is really pretty at night.
   The ward is the largest I have had on my mission.  At least 200 people were there yesterday.  The missionary work has been going well here.  There are many part member families that have been baptized.  Everyone is so nice.  The Jax South Zone goes from Jullington Creek in the north, to St. Augistine in the East, to Crescent City in south (below that is Orlando) and Interlachen in the West.  We will be driving all over it this transfer. 
   The mission president recently called 36 more Online missionaries in the mission and my companion and I are included!  So I have a facebook now to keep with touch with the ward and investigators and also to teach!  We cannot directly communicate with family on it, but we can be friends and you can even help out in the missionary work.  We don't really know what that means yet, but I will update you as we learn more! 
   My Zone Leader trainer is Elder Snow.  He has been a zone leader since I came out on my mission.  I enjoy his depth of knowledge, experience, and obedience.  I love being pushed to a higher level of obedience.  We are working with a great couple.  They are a part member, and the husband has been reading and taking great notes from the Book of Mormon.  He is finishing first Nephi and loving it.  He will be baptized soon!  I feel the Spirit much stronger as I am more exactly obedient and focus on our investigators.  


  It has been a fantastic week.  I learned from many experiences about the workings and necessity of the Spirit.  To start it off, I read today a letter from my uncle!  I received it on Wednesday.  It was wonderful and I enjoyed his commentary on life in Gridley and some missionary small talk.  Turns out, his wife's Dad lives in St. Augustine!  Unbeknown to my uncle, the day after he wrote the letter, his nephew was being transferred there!  I am writing him back and asking if I might be able to meet my Uncle's father in law.  We have a great family!
    In response to some of your letters: I'm glad it finally snowed in the West.  It has been chilly the last 3 days, but I'm sure that will only last a month at the longest. There are some members from St. Aug that just moved to Montrose.  Great job in solo and ensemble.  I have complete faith in GJHS academic team.  My senior year, we were losing after the first day of state, because we were trying to force things and were so afraid of losing.  The next day, we had composure and won the state tournament by 40 points.  Lift where you stand.   
   I am thrilled to hear about the Steele's mission calls!  That is a lot like Lain and Gina Geest.  I had secretly been hoping that Dallin or Ben would come to the FJM and be my companion but I guess not! 

   We had a tradeoff with the assistants on Friday.  I was really nervous and stumbled around our area, but had a good night.  We taught a lesson on the Word of Wisdom and learned a lot.  Just after the tradeoff ended, we taught some of our neighbors, and they came to church yesterday!  It actually worked out best to have the Sister missionaries in St. Augustine teach them, but it was a great miracle nonetheless.  One of the families we are doing some service for on Wednesday and the other we were prompted yesterday to go visit and ended up having a lesson and setting a return dinner appointmentt for some homemade famous Southern fried Chicken and a spiritual feast!   I have a great love for this family after only meeting them once. The best part the lesson was having the new investigator say the closing prayer.  He had been quiet and reserved before then, but getting up from the prayer, he had a big smile and a new found light in his eyes. 

      We are seeing so many blessings from the Lord in the Florida Jacksonville Mission!  This the best thing I have ever done.  I am grateful for where I have come from in life, in my family roots, and my premortal beginnings.  I am forever grateful that Jesus Christ has given all hope in where they are going through life and into the eternities.   


   We are being so blessed over here in St. Augustine.  My companion is the greatest, the ward is incredible, and the weather is divine (70s).
    I did receive your Valentine's package.  I loved the Paper Alligators with M&Ms inside.  My companion and I ate those raspberry bars promptly and shared just two bars with the Sister missionaries in the ward.  I am actually eating right now one of the Gluten-Free Sunkist gummy snack delights right now!  I loved the chocolate cinnamon bears. You are the best family!  I'm so spoiled.  
   This week my companion and I did trade offs with the St. John's district leader.  He is so perky and positive, it's contagious!  I got to go to St. Johns and serve with my former companion for the day.  We reminisced on good times in Timuquana and the converts we love.  He has been keeping in touch with some of our families as well.  We get along even better now and have more of an appreciation for each other.  It is a beautiful thing. 
  We are working with a young family.  The husband is a less active member and the wife is a nonmember.  They have an 8 yr old son, who wants to be baptized, a 7 yr old daughter, and a 2 week old son. They are a beautiful family.  We had a lesson last Monday and committed them to read from the Book of Mormon and pray as a family every night.  They did it!  We went over Friday for 15 minutes and talked about the blessings they had seen so far from doing that.  The gospel truly blesses families.  My favorite quote,
   Elder:"We really appreciate the opportunity to play a small part in bringing you this happiness."
   Son (8):  "I think you're a big part."
 Most of the family came to church yesterday, and calling them last night, we found out they were playing with another active family and the sons were spending the night.  It just warmed my heart so see them so readily accepted and befriended. 
     We went over to another family's home, but their son ended up in the hospital earlier that morning so we didn't get to teach them.  But we had amazing fried chicken, potatoes smothered in onions, and corn.  I ate too much chicken.
   Thank you for being such a great family!  I hope all is well on your side of the Continental Divide!  



Hello family! 

Today I received another letter from my uncle and his family! I was pleasantly surprised to see him respond so quickly.  We hope to visit his father-in-law soon. He painted a beautiful picture of Gridley life.  We have a great family.

This week held many miracles and big events, which is becoming common now in St. Augustine.  


I'll start with the least pleasant one lol.  After finishing a trade off, I noticed I kept itching my lower back.  To my dismay, my whole back side (and only my backside) was covered in raised, yellowish red rashes that kind of looked like blisters.  It freaked me out!  After moisterizing lotion and some time, they disappeared but appeared in various parts of my body!  It lasted about two days.  A surprise lay in store every hour.  "I wonder where it will be this time?".  At the advice of the mission president's wife, I took a Benadryl, and I don't have any of them today.  Phewf!  I think I had Atopic Dermititis, and it may be a result of allergies to something.  I'll keep my eye out for it again.  It inspired me to possibly name my new blog (Atopid Sermon-itis).  eh eh?  like it?  We'll see if I choose it.  


Church was historic and momentous.  The St. Augustine Ward split in two!  My companion and I are still serving in the St. Augustine Ward which is the North half of what it used to be.  The sister missionaries are serving in the new St. Augustine Shores Ward.  It was so exciting to witness the growth of the church!  They had the members of each ward stand and sustain their new leadership.  I was grateful not to be a ward member who will be missing long time friends, but rather being a missionary who will be transferred on eventually.  The ward used to have some 700 members on the roster, but now that is pretty much exactly half.  Our ward has less of the active members and will be calling tons of new leadership positions. The split really didn't affect our missionary work.  All of the people we are teaching live in the North area.
One miracle I want to share with you was on Wednesday night.  At 8:30 on a rainy night, we knocked on doors with a member and found a man who said "Sure, I can spare 5 minutes for Jesus."  This was also a special night because it was my first time going to Anastasia Island.  This man is a Mayan, and as we unfolded our message to him, there was a light in his eyes.  He had been questioning his religious beliefs (a Cathli-baptist), and he felt some truth to our message.  He said that several times.  We hope we can follow up with him this week.
I mentioned teaching a kid last Monday.  We taught him twice. He has come to church for the last two months with his friend.  He is loving the Book of Mormon and wants to join the church.  

 I love being a missionary!  We get to feel like an apostle for two years.  Doing nothing else but being a witness for Jesus Christ! 



Saturday, January 7, 2012





 I am glad to hear everyone has gotten back safely.  Except Nate, who is going mountain man with eye glasses in Tegucigalpa, Nicaragua.  I can imagine he will have quite the beard afterwards.  Costa Rica!  What an adventure.  Greta, I have only been sunburned once on my mission. That was like 6 months ago, and to be honest haven't used sunscreen much.  You don't need it in the winter, but I will next summer.  For Christmas and New Years it was a perfect 75 degrees, blue skies, and I have nothing to complain about.  I don't notice the humidity at all.  Mom, I LOVE the clippers.  It was much needed.  I actually give myself haircuts, but was using a used old pair in timuquana.  I was excited to get a new set!


This week was excellent.  We had 3 people at church.  2 of them were new, Pam and Jason.  They are both in the military. The ward here is pretty close to our ward in GJ, just thinned out on the numbers wise.  It is very well off and lots of wonderful families.  They welcome our investigators very well.  I love seeing the Doctrine of Christ take root into another's life.  I have more fully appreciated it in my own life this last week.  

Here is a ridiculous miracle: It was freezing one night and we forgot our coats, but we kept going anyway.  We stop and talk to this kid shooting hoops.  Shaun is a Junior and knows a Mormon and even played churchball last year!  Then this man, Mike, walked over and ask "What stake are you from?"  Turns out he had played churchball 9 years ago, was almost baptized, and loves a member of the ward.  He just moved back into town.  We are meeting with him this week.  It was incredible.   I am really enjoying my time here.  It was great to hear from all of you.   We are playing frisbee golf today! 


Elder Gebhard


Happy Birthday  Grant, Annelisa, and Momma!   Howdy yall!  Another great week in Fleming Island, FL.  We had only one cold day this week. Still wearing short sleeves.  We ran 4X in the mornings this week.  That actually was pretty cold thinking back on it.  We run are the FI High School track.  Its really nice, but weird when we cross paths with high schoolers on their way to school.
   Steve has set a baptismal date!!! January 21st is the day.  He is so excited.  He invited all his daughters, their kids, and his own wife and kid.  They should all be there.  Brother Pye is baptizing him.  It is a treat being able to hear his testimony.  We did service for him Saturday.  We watched a member fix his power steering pump.  I learned a bit about cars from that.  I have a lot to learn before I grow up!
     Miracle for the week:  Remember Pam and Jason who came to church last Sunday? We taught her twice this week and told her about the other members who work at NAS Jax hospital.  Well she found Bro Pierson and introduced herself.  When we randomly showed up to the Piersons, they told us that, and they said they want to have her over this week for dinner, and sit with her at church!  It was fantastic.  They sat with her at church and had her over for dinner yesterday.  To keep the miracles coming, Pamela got up in Sacrament meeting and bore her testimony!  She shared how welcome everyone made her feel and that she "will be coming to this church for a while."  We found out that she is only 19 which surprised us.  They don't have any furniture in the house, so we asked around and have come up with a queen bed, box spring, and frame, couch, and dining room set.  What a miracle. 
    Small world story:  We visited Sister Ayers this week.  Turns out she lived in Fruita, CO for 27 years!  Her brother is still there!  His name is Brother Gifford.  It was neat reminiscing a bit about the Grand Valley.  We are preparing Sister Ayers for the temple.  The Lord sends his servants exactly where he needs them.  She is so fantastic and has recently taken up painting.  She gave both me and Elder Fergus a painting of hers.  Mine is of a dark ocean storm crashing on the rocks and Elder Fergus is of a zebra. 
     This preparation day we are going to Lake Asburry and playing frisbee golf at Ronny VanZant Park, which was created by the Lynard Skynard the band.  That band was actually founded and grew up right in my area on College Rd.  They knew our bishop on a nickname basis. Pretty neat.  I really am enjoying this area, this companion, and this Work. 


I am so happy to be able to do kitten back bends now that Megan's wonderful yoga cats calendar is now in my possession!    Thank you for the package.  It was well received by the whole apartment!  Swedish Almond Cakes tastes even better than I remember it.

This week was full of great events.  Steve is still set for 21st.  He is so strong already and is inviting everyone to his baptism.  Much of his family will be there.  We have a dinner with the Morris family (skype family from Christmas) and another family in the ward for Friday.  We hope they will accept a return appt to learn even more.  They love us nontheless so we will still be keeping in touch.  Pamela and Jason came to ALL of church yesterday.  They are really progressing well and being welcomed into the ward.  We have found some furniture for them and that has softened their hearts a lot.  Also, the Piersons in the ward are the best missionaries ever and threw a lil' birthday party for Elder Fergus.  They invited Pam and Jason and one of their neighbors too.  That was a blast last night.  We are playing frisbee golf today at Ronny Van Zant Park and Jason is coming to play with us.  We have a lesson with them at the Piersons on Wednesday and are delivering some more donated furniture on Tuesday.  Everyone in the ward wants to share their testimonies with them!

Happy MLK Jr Day!   Everyone here loves the Broncos and were sad of the defeat.  Love you!


Hello family!

Word on the street is that Grandma hasn't been going to church for the last month.  Some one needs to get in there and pull her away from her Utah Jazz games!  haha.  just kidding.
I'll get straight to the highlight of the week:  Steve’s baptism.   He is so prepared, he has endured much opposition from friends, family, and health, but he was baptized and confirmed and is ready to rock and roll!  He had 11 nonmember family members who were all so nice and from all around Jacksonville.  We had a great showing from the ward and the Spirit was so strong.  Relief Society provided refreshment, which I munch on the leftovers every morning now ;)   Steve is a truly converted man.  He is on fire and so strong.  He took this road alone in his family, but I know his Mom was on the other side of the veil with him every step of the way.  This gospel unites families
    Yesterday, we went over to the Walton's for a dinner with the Morris family.  They fellowshipped really well and will be great friends.  Our lesson focused on christian charity, but we navigated to our unique message of the restoration.  They knew a bit already.  When bro Morris was in high school, missionaries wrestled with their high school team and had given him a Book of Mormon.  Crazy story.  There are obvious divine preparations in their life, but they still need a bit more before they will be ready to read, ponder, and pray and become converted to this gospel.  they are so wonderful and have great testimonies of Christ.  One thing that stood out: Bro Morris said that just since meeting with us, he was reflected and recommitted more of his life to God and has reached a better understanding of his goals for his faith and family.  What a fruit of the Spirit!  We will continue to see them, but they just aren't quite investigating yet! 
   We found a new gator, Scott.  Before our lesson, he read all the restoration pamphlet and looked up all the scriptures!  He has some crucial questions about coming to know if this is true.  It was hard to answer them, but we hope he will have some of them answered when we meet on Tuesday as he has read the Book of Mormon.  He has a beautiful family.  He is a very sincere seeker of truth, but is confused now.  We have been praying for families daily and as a result have been led to them.  it is neat teaching people that live in the suburbs instead of in Timuquana and on 103rd.  There are way more "happy" families with christian faith.  TQ had so many broken families.  I have heard A LOT of bad things about the TQ area from every one I meet here.  They always say that's the bad part of Jacksonville.  Luckily we had to be inside at 9 ;)   
    Well that is about all for this week.  This transfer has just flown by.  I love serving the Lord every day.  Exercising faith, Repenting and becoming a better person, friend, and leader, committing to God worthy goals I have for myself and renew my covenants, and feeling the holy ghost is more abundance than ever before!  The 74 degree weather has helped :)  Hooray for an unusually warm winter.  I have been quite enjoying myself.

Also, if any cousin would like to hear from me, send me their emails and I can attach them to the group email.

Elder Gebhard

Sunday, December 11, 2011



Hello family,

The Christmas Spirit is in abundance here.  There is zero snow. Zero cold. and Little christmas lights.  Most peoples favorite thing to do is have inflatable rudolphs or snow men.  This will be a new experience and hopefully I will learn the true meaning of christmas a little better, now that I don't have all the distractions of wreaths, trees, cold, ice, snow, and a cozy house.  Everyone always tells us that the only time it snowed here was in '89.  It sounded legendary.  I am very excited that doing what I'm doing, it isn't cold.  I don't look forward to the very colds that will come....eventually.  Right now it is about 78 degrees. sunny with a few clouds in the sky.  I have passed through my first hurricane season unscathed!  The Christmas cheer is definitely here.  Our ward party is on Saturday and hopefully the ward will seize the oppurtunity to invite their friends.
This week has been unbelievable.  We were so blessed.  Every night in planning we had 3-4 lessons already planned, with members along with them.  It seems like every family in the ward has great desires to help us out and share the gospel.  This week we had another lesson with Cindy, who goes to a lot of Relief Society events.  We also had a lesson with the Kuikens.  They are a part-member family. The husband is not too open yet, but they came to church on Sunday!  We picked up a sister who had not been to church in 30 years.  This was a huge miracle yesterday.  She met Sis. Carrin whom she remembered from 30 years ago!!  They talked for a while.  Then we told Sister Harris to go meet her and they totally bonded.  They live practically right next to each other, and Sister Harris will be giving her rides to Wednesday night class and church whenever she wants to go.  She was such a "missionary," as she put it, and will really be able to relate to Sister Carrin. 
Last, the miracle with Keeshaun!  We taught her a lesson this week at her friend Chris's house.  She wants to be baptized on December 18th.  Then we had a church tour with her on Saturday night. She really liked it.  We taught her the main commandments she would need to keep before baptism.  She accepted everything and now it's up to implementing it.  She came to church as well and is doing great.  There is a baptism in Normandy she will be able to attend next Sunday which will greatly prepare her for her own baptism.  Chris bore is testimony as well.  He had never done that in Sacrament before and I was really touched to see this goofy, hilarious kid grow in his own beliefs and desires to share the gospel. 
I am enjoying southern eating.  I have never been so loving of vegetables.  Last night we had broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and peas at a member's home.  That plus roast beef is a delicious meal.  Elder Johnson makes some mean grits.  He puts bacon in it and chesse.  Very good.  Vick and Lecora have made us probably the best Southern cooking though.   

This week I ate Ribeye steak for the first time in my memory.  The Kings had us over for his birthday dinner.  They are doing fantastic and we got to watch the Devotional yesterday at their house.  My favorite line was the comment from "The Mansion" on how John Waithright did everything so he could be recognized.  I feel like that is a common weakness of mine that prevents me from fully giving my heart to people or doing as much as I can for them. 

Elder Gebhard

That quote was from Keeshaun at our church tour last Saturday.  She is hilarious.  She was unable to come to church yesterday because she already had a Christmas photo shoot scheduled, but she is good to go from now on!  She is planned to be baptized on Christmas now and confirmed on New Years Day.  Hallelujah!  We spoke yesterday and she went a whole day without swearing, she ordered tea instead of water, and rejected alcohol. She is doing swell. 

We had an excellent Christmas Party.  The Louis family (the haitians) came and had a good time.  We are making much progress with them thanks to a member who takes the kids to church every Sunday.  This is the family with Lewis and Camelita in case you were mixed up. We broke out some Xmas sweaters under our suits for our pictures with Santa.  It was hilarious and we had a great time with the ward.

My favorite quote from Grandma would be when we made her say "What now Homeboy?" while playng a Skip Bo down in Skip bo.  That is the genious of Jeff Hanson.  I love all the letters I get from her too.  She is amazing.
Elder Gebhard 

Meowy Christmas Gebhard Fam!

I got the call on Saturday night that I am being transferred!  President Barry also called me to be a District Leader again.  I will be going into this completely blind.  But that usually helps us to rely on the Lord when we do that.  He said I will be going to an area where there will be members who have capabilities to do video skype (wealthy) so we will be able to do that for 40 blessed MINUTES.  I wish we could go longer, but that was straight from President today and he bolded, underlined, and capitalized it so.....I guess I should follow it.  I know we will make the most of those 40 minutes. 

It is sure great to hear how good everyone is doing.  How much snow does P-horn have already?  Bro. Price keeps us updated on the Colorado weather lol.  

It was hard to say goodbye to the ward this Sunday.  Many people expressed their love for me and I reaped a little bit of the harvest of love I spent 6 months sowing.  I love the people in the Timuquana Ward.  They are so great and will be lifelong friends.  Two memorable experiences were 1) The Kuikens- They are a Part Member family who came to church for the second time yesterday in years.  They were sad to hear my departing testimony in sacrament meeting and I never realized how close Brother Kuiken had gotten to us.  You are probably surprised because I never told you about them.  We visited with them about 4 times and taught him about the Book of Mormon.  It didn't seem like he was receiving it at all, but Sister Kuiken said we had made a big difference.  2)The Jean-Louis  family came to church today.  Their two young children sang with the primary in Sacrament and their teen sang with the Young men and women.  In the back were their parents, so proud.  They have been touched by the spiritual progress of their kids by attending this church.  I have come to a better understanding that THIS church helps people BECOME instead of simply BEING. 

In a few short months, his kids have learned to pray, become better workers in school, and have developed many social skills.  The parents were about to leave, when they announced that I was leaving and was going to bear my testimony so they stayed and were beaming as I looked out at them.  After church, we went over and got pictures with their family.  They are amazing pictures.  Louis expressed his gratitude to me for changing his kid's lives.  He said whenever they heard the Elders were coming, they dropped whatever they were doing and came.  He said they were ready two hours early to come to church and kept looking out the windows for their ride to come.  He said before his son gave his "talk" in the last testimony meeting, he practiced all the time and kept coming to his Dad and repeating his 30 second little snippet.  After doing that, his son has been more prompt on completing his homework.  What a wonderful Christmas gift the Lord could give me.  Being transferred at this time has helped me appreciate the relationships that I have formed in TQ and will continue for many years.  
You are a wonderful family.  I look forward to talking with yall on Sunday and setting it all up on Thursday.  Enjoy Costa Rica.   


Christmas phone call

Great!  Well we had a bit of a miracle.  We tracted into a lovely family who are letting us use their house and computer to skype!  I am in Fleming Island, FL.  Still in the same Jax West Zone.  My companion is Elder Fergus. 

You have TWO Christmas cards in the mail already so you'll get them after Costa Rica.  I can't wait to talk to you in three days.

                                                    Elder Gebhard skyping on Christmas Day

Hello Family

Well I don't have much to say.  Skyping at the Morris' was so great.  They were so kind and we will stop by again sometime and have a lesson with them.  Yall look great and sounds like our vacations haven't gotten any calmer, easier, or relaxing haha.  Enjoy the humidity while it lasts.  I think I am used to it now, or else really like it.   Today we cleaned, going to zone p-day to play ultimate frisbee, and going to Moe's for some great burritos.  ;It was so gurrrreat to talk to yall yesterday!!  But don't worry, I'm not homesick at all.  It is such a blessing from the Lord.  I was worried about Christmas, but the Lord has blessed me with a great, hilarious, Nate-like (vain humor) companion, with two other great elders in the apartment.  Time is flying and I can't wait to become a better missionary everyday and help others do the same (members and elders alike).  Elder Turner, who is in the other Fleming Island ward knows about Tecktonik!  Remember that tecktonik video of that guy running in the lion costume?  That was a personal favorite, but I forgot the name already.  I think it was to a Yelle song though.  Elder Turner also has Sufyan STevens Christmas elder.

Merry CHristmas!!!!  Talk to you in a year!!!! (2012)


Elder Gebhard

My new address is

2285 Marsh Hawk Lane

Apt 3-305

Orange Park, FL 32003!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


October 24, 2011

I am going to do these blogs by months.  So this one will go to the end of November.  I will add on each week and then start a new post at the beginning of the new month.


Dear Family,
It was great to hear from you, receive letters, and get one from Mandell as well.  I love hearing about home and the fun times the family is still having?  Where are Nate's interviews and what residency are they for?  That is so wonderful.  I think he should look for a nice suit at Goodwill or Buffalo Exchange.  He could use my $.75 camel hair brown blazer if he would like to.  A man in our ward has the most amazing suits.  He pulls off purple, magenta, and blue suits all the time.  He is like 65.  
    Greta, already the Christmas music?  That's great.  I think I'll probably just listen to it in December, as that will probably be somewhat touchy on the homesickness side.  Can you believe I turn 20 in a month?  I think my maturity is still around 13.  Once a deacon,  always a deacon.
     Mom, Elaine actually is the same person as Helene.  We first didn't know how to spell her name.  I'll start with talking about her because that is the best news!!!  On Friday, her husband came home from his job (laid off), but he has another one almost already.  This was a huge blessing.  He is the man power which is helping Helene overcome smoking.  They both came to church on Sunday with the whole family.  It was beautiful to see.  James was skeptical before, but after church, he has received his answer that this is the true church.  He said he will be baptized, but doesn't have a date yet.  He actually announced that in Priesthood opening!  Dad, could imagine an investigator doing that in 8th wards opening priesthood?  It was great.  The true miracle came last night.  We had dinner at a member's house, and got a text from the Helene that they had someone that wanted to meet with us.  After the dinner, we went with Bro K and his son who is 7.  We taught Helene's neighbor, and she is very prepared and excited to read the Book of Mormon.  We are meeting with them again tonight.  The last and best miracle is that they quit smoking yesterday!  0 cigarettes!  Thank you Dad from your advice in your letter.  That helped me understand smoking addictions better.
     Now, for the namesake subject of the email.  The bishop took us out twice this week!  We went to his house Monday night and he cooked steaks, corn, potatoes, mmmmmmmmmm, and we listened to Elder Holland’s Book of Mormon testimony.  It was powerful.  Then on Wednesday, he took us out to lunch to Okinawa, a Japanese steakhouse where they cook the food right in front of you.  He and his wife are so amazing.  We learned a lot about leadership and being examples of fun, humor, yet also Spirit.  One joke about the restaurant is that every time you go there, you have "to go" pretty much immediately after, with out fail.  Our Okinawa experience was more subtle than anticipated, but after eating the left overs came to personally understand.  
     We had an appointment with a part member family.  The father has been around the church for 16 years and has seen missionaries off and on.  Our purpose was to see if he was ready and to try to have him begin reading the Book of Mormon.  The bishop came with us.  He and the bishop took off!  They talked for an hour and found so much in common.  It really was a great break through.  He commited to come to church (which he did).  There is so much potential here.  One side note: this father was the No. 1 football recruit out of high school, played on the Florida Gators, is a Florida legend, and played for the Buccaneers for a couple seasons.  I think I'll arm wrestle him next lesson.  If I win, he get's baptized. If he wins, he still gets baptized.
     Elder Beckstead and I are doing great together.    As a companionship, we are getting along great.  We are both more positive and humble and trying to do the Lord's Will.  I love him so much and am impressed with the leaps of improvement he is making.

OCTOBER 31, 2011

What a blessing we have received this week!  Helene was baptized on Saturday!!  We had the service in the chapel and it was very spiritual. Sis. Farnsworth who was involved in the lessons gave the talk on baptism.  She is now her visiting teacher.  Bro Price spoke as well.  We had so much support and fellowship at the baptism.  The Raders and Farnsworth and Kings and Sister Harris were there.  Great active, recent convert, and reactived families.  Elder Beckstead did a fine job baptizing for the first time.

    Last Monday, we went to the Helene's to teach their neighbor but that fell through.  Turns out that was just where we needed to be.  James (Helene's husband) said, "Well I guess it's time that I start my lessons."  We set a baptismal date for Nov. 6th right there!  He is so excited and is already to 1 Nephi chapter 15!  He loves the Iron Rod so much and we had a powerful lesson on Lehi's dream.  Then yesterday at church, a sacrament talk was on "the Iron Rod!"  how perfect.  Then Bishop Rader talked on the family in the combined lesson.  This ward is so wonderful.  

NOVEMBER 7, 2011
HAPPY 11/11/11

We had another stellar week.  James was baptized yesterday.  The best part was that Brother King (baptized on Oct. 2) performed the baptism!!!!  How amazing is that?!  These two families have become great friends and perfect fellowship for each other.  They are the nicest people.  His baptism was very special and much of the ward attended.  We involved a lot of members in the teaching process.  James' testimony of the Book of Mormon is rock solid.  He is almost finishing 1 Nephi.  On Saturday night, we went over and read a chapter with the family.  I loved seeing their 7 year old daughter reading well from it aswell.  As we help them learn about our LDS culture, they will blossom even more.  We are truly blessed in Timuquana!!  

Yesterday, both Helene and Christian bore their testimonies in sacrament meeting.  It was so rewarding and seeing the fruits of my efforts and, ultimately God's preparations.  The harvest is great and the laborers are few, but if we're united we all things can do. 

I will be staying in Timuquana for another transfer!  Elder Beckstead is being transferred.  I will let you know where next week.  I have learned so much about loving others, forgiving, and being patient with others and with myself.  The 12 week training program was beneficial to both of us.  Can you believe I have been on my mission for over 6 months now?  On Friday, I ritualistically burned a tie (from another elder, that he got at good will).  these months have flown by and I have been so blessed with bringing people into the gospel.  I feel so much love for others and a love for feasting in the scriptures that I have never before felt.  Even a year before my mission, my studies were lax and prayers were not a habit.  I have grown closer to Heavenly Father with more sincere and daily prayers and I read from the Book of Mormon, or family history stories every spare moment I get.  There really is no time during the 16 hours I am awake to be lazy. 

Elder Johnson

Elder Johnson is my new companion!  It is wonderful to have more experience in the companionship.  He has been out 13 months.  He is the Senior Comp and I was released as the District Leader.  It is refreshing to only think about my area and my ward.  I am learning so much from him and we are both being exactly obedient, which is the only way to qualify for those golden investigators that change your mission and life.  For that reason, I am excited for this next transfer.  Funny story, he has two older brothers, then an older sister, and a younger sister.  The respective ages are all pretty close aswell, and he only has one grandma left of his grand parents.  He was a kick boxer for a bit.  Him and I indulge in vain humor a lot.  I really enjoy him as a companion and leader.  We are going to see huge changes with how effective the TQ ward is.  He just came from Beaufort, SC.
Also grandma sent me a letter and told me a joke: "Two elderly ladies were driving down a street.  Ruby, the driver ran through a red light and did the same thing at the next light.  Mary, the other, commented on the fact and Ruby said, "I did?!  Who was driving?"  haha I sure do love you, Grandma!   

The Kings invited the Vetere's over on Saturday.  We joined them for the lesson portion, but left to let them have fun with video games and such.  It was wonderful seeing friendship sprout and testimonies with it.   I truly have been blessed to see the bring in of two families into the church: the Vetere's and the King's.


 Thank you for the wonderful birthday presents!  I can't wait to pick up the next two packages today at the post office.  We were out proselyting when the UPS guy came knocking.  Luckily that was a wonderful day and it was well worth being out working.  Elder Johnson and I are getting along so well.  We both love vain humor and making fun of ourselves; we have a lot of laughs.  We both are being obedient which is priceless.  I am excited for my birthday AND Thanksgiving this week.  IT's going to be a good one for sure. 
The most exciting developments has been in the Timuquana Ward's missionary work.  The Relief Society is AMAZING.  Sister Henderson has a dinner calendar set up where we have 5 or so meals a week.  Beyond the ridiculously scrumptuous Southern cuisine and BBQ, it has been a great tool for missionary work.  We were at the Figuiras, a part member fam, and had a great lesson.  One of his son's friends had randomly shown up at the same time as us and we taught her about the Book of Mormon and gave her one.  He said she was pretty interested and we will followup with that later this week.  Also, the Relief Society had a Super Saturday and they invited us to be the waiters for the dinner.  Luckily I had all that practice from Hamlet.  It was a wonderful event and we built even more trust with the ward. 

Next, a less active family we found two weeks ago.  The Mom, Charity, and daughter are members, but the husband and other daughter are not.  We had our second lesson with them on Thursday and it went very well.  Their daughter, who is 10, wants to get baptized.  THEN the husband volunteered to give us a ride to our next appointment.  He opened up so much about his impression of the church and how he had tried the book of mormon when they were first married, but didn't understand it.  He also said he was "positive that eventually he would come to know the book of mormon was true."  They invited us to their huge thanksgiving dinner with family and we are SO excited about that!  Our other Thanksgiving appt is with the Kings!  They have sure talked it up for that last couple weeks.  We knew they were all business when they asked us what pies we wanted.  Christian is doing fantastic and has that wonderful new member fire!

Last night we had a dinner with the Hernandez Family!  They are officially my favorite family.  They are from Mexico and are great missionaries.  We had flautitas and spanish rice.  So good.  I love using the Spanish I know.  They said I don't have an accent.  Anyway, we had a great lesson and the Spirit is so strong in active members home who are actively implementing the gospel.  They are giving Christian King the new member lessons.
I love this work. I love my companion.  I love the Lord.

Happy Thanksgiving!  I truly have so much to be thankful for.  Thank you for the amazing birthday.  I got LOADED with goodies and presents.  I love the ties, They are now my top 4 ties that I own lol.  Moms are always better at fashion that men.  The sweater is pristine and I love the belts. Alex Boye's Christmas album has blessed our ear drums all week.  It is ridiculous.  I love the Echoes of the Sabbath album as well.  It reminds me of Sunday afternoons.  It sounds like all of you had a great holiday.  Nate was surfing in Hawaii so I'm sure he is the happiest of them all. 
I had a fantastic Thanksgiving.  We had a dinner with the Dorings (less active, part member) and then the Kings (the best!).  We had literally everything we usually have at home, except the cranberry salad.  It was delectable!  I was so grateful for their love and to be apart of bringing them (back) in to the gospel.  They are on fire and that fire is fueled by their gratitude.  Sister King bore a thanksgiving testimony at church and I never appreciated how far she had to come back, along with her husband being baptized.  I love them very much. 
I doesn't sound like I will be transfered this time either.  Because transfers lie on Dec 21st, they are only transferring 7 trainers.  So I don't think I will be moving, but who knowS?!  I would absolutely love to spend 7 1/2 in Timuquana.  I am so blessed.
I love my family so much.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  I laughed really hard when I heard about Christmas in Costa Rica!  That will be exciting for everyone.  I am jealous, but more blessings for me I guess haha.

Love you all,
Elder Gebhard